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Перевод: read speek read

начитанный; сведущий; знающий; образованный;
чтение; время, проведенное в чтении; чтиво;
читать; прочесть; вычитывать; гласить; толковать; объяснять; показывать; снимать показания; считывать; изучать


  1. Well, no, not really Ma'am, there were still charts to plot, and observations to send to Group, and instruments to read - and the unspoken implication, ever present, was that we were Grade 2 technicians, and if she wanted to make up the numbers on parade surely she could find a few more pen-pushers in nine-to-five jobs?
  2. "There was once a bumper sticker that read "remember the good old days when air was clean and sex was dirty?"
  3. This example could be read as "light shineth" in a transcription of the first chapter of St John's Gospel.
  4. Mike Fibbens with three victories to his credit, was the top male swimmer with his Barnet team-mate, Kathy Read, the outstanding women competitor.
  5. I've spent hours and hours and MORE hours helping him to learn to read"
  6. the overall appearance should be attractive and inviting to read.
  7. One arises from the increase in the sheer quantity of texts to be read, heard and (ideally) expounded, some of them very difficult both for preachers and for their congregations.
  8. I couldn't quite believe that this was the same Steffi that I had read about in Tennis World and that she was actually there.
  9. Nor should anything especially sinister be read into reports that the money to pay for little Sachin has been provided by commercial concerns not averse to a little of the old quid pro quo .
  10. The significance of this should become more clear to you as you read this chapter and you become familiar with the "Homoeopathic" view of the world and its ills.
  11. 16.19 From level 5, the statements of attainment are presented in five strands: the range of literature read, responses to literature, understanding and interpreting non-literary and media texts, study skills and information-retrieval strategies, and knowledge about language.
  12. You read in magazines that even top models are often unhappy with their looks, and it's true that the pressures on us mean we are never allowed to feel all right about ourselves.
  13. This last element, perhaps more than any other, is crucial for understanding why Marx and Engels attached so much more importance to the work of Morgan than they did to the work of the other evolutionist anthropologists whom they read.

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