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Перевод: reborn speek reborn



  1. The poem's beginning is certainly biblical, drawing on Ecclesiastes, but it also involves the modern world ("factory bypass"), and deliberately seems to draw on the biblical passage closest to Frazerian fertility rites, the dead being reborn through the seasonal cycle.
  2. We are reborn in God, leaving behind us the continuity of our earthly and parental life.
  3. Then, on May 6, 1990, Seth was reborn on the front page of The New York Times book review.
  4. In the early 19th century, the historical opera was reborn in Italy under the impact of the Romantic movement, Schiller's plays and Scott's poems and novels.
  5. On the strength of a prayer from a loving soul, she would suggest an unfortunate soul be reborn and given a chance to reform, rather than be doomed to purgatory.
  6. The poems speak of Youth, of Beauty', of Love, of Parting and of Death, the last of which is not tragic but full of promise that life will be reborn.
  7. The illustrated periodical was a phenomenon of a world which Baudelaire saw as reborn on Guys' paper:
  8. Into which they will not be reborn,
  9. Snooker has been reborn through colour television.
  10. It would not be eaten - she had not the faintest illusion of that - but it would be looked on and smiled over and would bring back happy memories and it was all she could think of to signify her reborn affection.
  11. When they come out of the water, it is as if the mikva represents the womb and they are reborn.
  12. Mystic star and psychohistorian reborn
  13. The Waste Land begins a new poetry, or seeks to, but also marks the reborn post-war society.

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