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Перевод: receivable speek receivable

годный к принятию; могущий быть полученным; подлежащий получению; приемлемый


  1. For example, analysis of the total fee receivable against the resource plan for the job will indicate the appropriate level of time necessary for each stage.
  2. We are using the JBA general ledger, accounts receivable and the payables ledger (for non-air transport payables), handling operations like local accounting and warehousing."
  3. The scheme is for accounting software supporting general ledger, accounts payable and accounts receivable functions, and there are plans to extend it to cover payroll packages.
  4. The prior year figures for interest receivable and provisions for bad and doubtful debts have been reduced by 28m to reflect the more rigorous recognition of interest which is now in force.
  5. Income from the TV Times jumped from 1.4million to 2.1million with interest receivable more than doubling to 3.2million.
  6. The minority interest figure is based on Shaw plc's profit after tax less the dividend receivable from Harris plc and the net movement in the provision for unrealised profit in stock (since Shaw plc is the selling company), plus 30% of Harris plc's profit after tax.
  7. It was alleged that the accounts should have shown a turnover of 2.19m and not 23.69m and that bills of exchange for 2.39m (referred to as the "Gimco" bills), included as "bills receivable", should have been treated as irrecoverable.
  8. In the judge's view, the auditors should have said "bills receivable include bills payable by an overseas debtor the creditworthiness of whom it has not been possible to verify", and "subject to satisfactory recovery of the monies, in our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view".
  9. Also with other beacons often within receivable range on frequencies only one kHz apart, sometimes if the aircraft is somewhere between the two, both become unusable.
  10. The switch will be more drastic than that from black-and-white to colour television, for the old services will not be receivable on the new equipment.
  11. The holder's decision as to whether to exercise the option will depend on the relative values of the shares to which he would be entitled on conversion and the cash receivable, including the premium, on exercise of the option.
  12. Interest receivable rose from 858,000 to 3.78m.
  13. But the main reason for a 37% profits rise to 2.32m was a Pounds 440,000 turnround in interest payments to 105,000 interest receivable, thanks to cash from last year's 3m rights issue.

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