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Перевод: receptivity speek receptivity

восприимчивость ; поглотительная способность; емкость


  1. I had to adopt the aspect of receptivity.
  2. Ranging wide over ancient aphorisms, Professor Noel Dilly struck precisely the right note of scepticism, receptivity and curiosity.
  3. These need to be clearly formed into a hierarchy so that an observer can move freely from one to another using both peripheral and foveal receptivity.
  4. Repetition dulls receptivity (as discussed in Chapter 3).
  5. But what really enhanced the receptivity of the market was O'Neillism.
  6. This second part of the book deals mainly with the progressive phases of this decline and fall, charted through the surviving traces of the changing popular receptivity to the propaganda image of Hitler during the war.
  7. In about one out of ten, when there is a low level of pregnancy hormone in the system, there is another phase of sexual receptivity actually during the pregnancy cycle.
  8. Behavioural and sound signals seem to be used to communicate sexual interest, and among the toothed whales, with their great acoustic sensitivity, receptivity to sex may be communicated by something which a dolphin can "see'" or ""hear'" with its sonar.
  9. As both composer and critic he touched both sides of the coin: A climate of receptivity is what the artist most desires.
  10. Humans have a surprising degree of receptivity - or even gullibility - in being open to other people in their lives.
  11. Difficult though it is to evaluate, the evidence of the receptivity to the portrayal of Hitler's image which we have examined has pointed to seven significant bases of the "Hitler myth".
  12. I prayed for the ardour of the fruit tree, the passive rapture of the long grasses, the patient infinite receptivity of the stone walls that also pulsed and shivered with love of the Light."
  13. This doesn't mean that the others had no "powers", that they seemed to do little for me may have been my own lack of receptivity.

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