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Перевод: reconnaissance speek reconnaissance

рекогносцировка ; разведка ; прощупывание; зондирование


  1. The route had been marked by the reconnaissance platoon; even so, as they moved at speed past each key point vehicle commanders glanced at their maps to check their progress.
  2. About 12,000 sorties were flown in the first week - about half of them bombing raids, the rest involving air refuelling, reconnaissance, fighter cover and the like.
  3. During the afternoon a single reconnaissance Ju88 was intercepted by four Hurricanes flown by Plt.Off.
  4. ARTILLERY fire and minelaying by government and rebel troops have halted a United Nations reconnaissance mission in Cambodia.
  5. Meanwhile Malta's reconnaissance aircraft were out looking for Axis convoys bound for Tripoli or Benghazi so that the island's bombers might strike at them and disrupt the flow of supplies and reinforcements to Rommel's command.
  6. Their tasks on landing are to check the drop zones and landing sites for enemy activity, and mark them for the incoming aircraft, as well as performing detailed reconnaissance tasks of key targets and objectives.
  7. However, the reconnaissance unit, 2(F)/123, lost a Bf110 in this area, Fw.
  8. On the plus side, the expedition had proved once again that it was not difficult to penetrate an enemy-held town and carry out a reconnaissance.
  9. Again however, no Bf109Es were lost, although a reconnaissance Bf110C (4U +ZK of 2(F)/123 flown by Lt. Johann Scharringhausen, was reported shot down by fighters 40 kilometres from Gozo.
  10. The Air Staff sought battlbattle-winningormance in an aircraft that would do virtually everything in all weathers from long-range nuclear deterrent strike, through all the phases of reconnaissance, down to close battlefield support for the Army, almost regardless of cost since it was to be their capital aircraft.
  11. The advance has proved highly accurate in recognising continuously spoken airborne reconnaissance reports for the Royal Air Force.
  12. That view was rejected and after a reconnaissance British forces took the island.
  13. After the second Battle of Gaza, they were part of a reconnaissance column that struck for Beersheba.

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