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Перевод: reconnoitre speek reconnoitre

рекогносцировка ; разведка ;
производить разведку; вести разведку; разведывать; рекогносцировать


  1. He had managed to reconnoitre the area between the South Foreland and Beachy Head and to study the roads between there and London when he was given away by the careless talk, prompted by malice, of the ambassador's homosexual secretary, a subsequently notorious transvestite, the Chevalier d'on, who later lived as a woman.
  2. Many alpinists reconnoitre their approach to a mountain on the afternoon before a climb, and this good practice should apply equally to the descent route.
  3. Conrad's first manoeuvre was to send massed cavalry forward on 15 August to reconnoitre on a huge front, some 400km/ 250mls wide.
  4. His trained pet poodle who had been sent to Europe to reconnoitre the scene and steal Mark's clothes.
  5. Ellen and I both assumed that Sweetman's interest in Wavebreaker had been merely that of a prospective charterer who wanted to reconnoitre the boat's amenities.
  6. I saw the Wing Commander who was to do the reconnoitre and give the signal for the fusing of the lights talking anxiously to Ryan.
  7. Although air units from Malta had not participated in the action, this day (29th.) a 69 Squadron Maryland was despatched from Luqa to reconnoitre the area.
  8. As the outriders can only move so fast, their ability to reconnoitre ahead is limited.
  9. One night in August 1969, therefore, the two men drove to Hallington to reconnoitre the line.
  10. A sergeant and soldier whom the officer in charge, Captain Scott, had sent forward to reconnoitre were seized by Highlanders hidden behind the parapet, and, uncertain of the enemy's strength, Scott decided to retreat.
  11. The first attempt on the buttress was delayed for two days because of bad weather, and it took a total of five days to climb the feature, which included a band of loose rock at the base, and reconnoitre the south ridge to the start of a large rock pillar at about 5,900 metres.
  12. In February 1943 two parties went to reconnoitre the Sicily beaches, after some frustration in Algiers.
  13. He ordered Sergeant Yates to take the bulk of the party to the rendezvous, while he himself set off to reconnoitre the escarpment with Sergeant Tait.

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