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Перевод: rectorial speek rectorial



  1. In the course of his rectorial address at Edinburgh in 1907, Haldane asserted that when a leader of Ingenious comes forward the people may bow down before him, and surrender their wills, and eagerly obey, since to obey the commanding voice was to rise to a further and wider outlook, and to gain a fresh purpose.
  2. I also found time to undertake occasional voluntary speaking engagements, one of which in October 1969 was to take part in Lord McLeod of Fuinary's Rectorial debate at Glasgow University.
  3. After the Reverend Whickens came the Reverends Gwillam, Price and Jenning, and in 1840, when the Reverend Lee was in charge, the village is recorded as having 148 inhabitants, and "The living endowed with the rectorial tithes, with the perpetual curacy of Bartestree united, and valued in the King's books at 4. 6s. 8d.; present net income, 284."

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