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Перевод: rename

переименовать; давать новое имя; перекрестить


  1. She is a Rhodesian Ridgeback by breed and I resist the urgings of trendy ideologues who would rename these dogs which were used for lion hunting in East Africa.
  2. There is always room in the newspaper for an amusing (and sometimes invented) item about earnest left-wing council proposals to rename manholes "access chambers" or - even more hilarious - "personholes".
  3. To load (retrieve) files and rename them
  4. Sag Hankamer rename them ellipses and argue that they are interpreted by "copying over" a piece of superficial representation.
  5. Rename it YourInitials5 and clear the screen (see Task 4)
  6. Tap R for Rename.
  7. BILL Clinton's wife Hillary, above, has been snubbed over plans to rename her local airport in her honour.
  8. At an ARC symposium last week, convened to mark the ARC's decision to rename itself the Agricultural and Food Research Council, delegates called for action to save the British malting industry which is hit by falling demand for Scotch whisky.
  9. "Perhaps we should rename the close Coronation Street or Brookside."
  10. The prompt TRANSFER RENAME filename: appears in the Command Area with the old filename which will be preceded by other "technical" details, eg C: WORD or B:
  11. At least JTR did not then rename the spot as so many others of his class and time did.
  12. Just to confuse matters they have decided to rename all their products.
  13. Radio 4 could easily rename their show Just An Hour and put Merton on every week (Just A Minute, tellingly, is the only show he has actually asked to be included on).

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