r ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rr rs rt ru rv rw ry rz

Перевод: reproduction speek reproduction

воспроизведение; размножение; копия ; репродукция ; восстановление; возобновление; воспроизводство


  1. Nitrogenous chemical fertilizers are direct plant foods which bypass the normal metabolism of soil fauna and flora, and in some cases inhibit their reproduction and useful activity.
  2. Social selection results from (a) effects of competition between the subject and others of either sex with respect to commodities essential to survival in the situation that will allow attempt at reproduction, (b) competition for access to preferred members of the opposite sex for mating and (c) effects of competition between subjects for access to commodities in the environment essential for rearing of their young or those of relatives to reproductive age.
  3. Indeed, in most examples, the emphasis has been on social systems in which males sporting the elaborate character are polygamous and have little to do with other aspects of reproduction.
  4. Some find this special reproduction steam train moving and nostalgic.
  5. Having found the key to changes in terms of the need to manage the politics of reproduction more effectively, she tends (in theory, at least, since her own empirical analysis is rather more flexible) to follow the perceived logic through, so that the conclusion is that local government is being reorganized more or less in line with changes in the organization of major capitalist enterprises.
  6. The first public meeting in Cambridge was warned by the Dean-designate of St Paul's, the Reverend Professor Inge, that unless controls limited the reproduction of the "urban proletariat", it "may cripple our civilisation as it destroyed that of ancient Rome".
  7. If we study the annual function of social capital - hence of the total capital of which the individual capital forms only fractional parts, whose movement is their individual movement and simultaneously integrating link in the movement of the total capital - and its results, i.e., if we study the commodity-product furnished by society during the year, then it must become apparent how the process of reproduction of the social capital takes place, what characteristics distinguish this process of reproduction from the process of reproduction of an individual capital, and what characteristics are common to both.
  8. Reproduction in the Economy is a Process of Equilibrium
  9. A reproduction of the famous 1886 Sarony portrait of Oscar Wilde in New York had fuck you anytime, Denny written across it.
  10. Again there is no need to think in terms of sex; sexual versus asexual reproduction is a red herring here.
  11. Suppose we think of conditions which lead to impaired reproduction or increased likelihood of mortality.
  12. Where seasonal conditions favour a high r , selection favours maximal reproduction in terms of both brood size and speed.
  13. The obvious example is Australia, which was separated early, and in which the marsupial mammals had the opportunity to adapt to a whole range of ecological niches, which they managed with remarkable success in spite of a low cranial capacity and a primitive mode of reproduction.

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