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Перевод: saintliness

святость ; праведность


  1. Like his father, who had appointed him bishop, Richard could only admire the courage and saintliness of Hugh of Lincoln.
  2. Real Evil is to Bad just as Saintliness and Heroism to Decent Behaviour.
  3. Saintliness,
  4. To the extent that she's now confusing the show business quality of performing well in public - at which she excels - with spirituality and saintliness.
  5. Taylor's example and strategies, his integrity, saintliness, courage, and originality had a lasting influence on Christian missions worldwide.
  6. Mozart was himself very much aware of his own unique talents, but they did not correspond with any unique saintliness of character.
  7. He ended up as Prince Bishop of Durham in 1752 where his saintliness (he was nicknamed "The Beauty of Holiness") made him a rare figure amongst the lax Georgian episcopate, concerned largely as it was with political intrigue and careerism.
  8. The restless indifferent force of human energy, responsible alike for beauty and ugliness, comedy and tragedy, saintliness and crime, had to find its own level inside the wire.
  9. The traditions of their monarchy demanded something grander, or if not that something extraordinary like the saintliness of Louis IX.
  10. It is significant that, in an age when belief in miracles, extreme saintliness and revelation were of the stuff of daily life, so many of her contemporaries believed Margery to be mentally ill; only, probably, the superstitious, the credulous and the ignorant believed her to be a genuine mystic.
  11. They associate suffering with saintliness.
  12. It is a happiness so mild and cool that it is like a kind of saintliness after passion: yet it is not satiety for if she has any unhealth, it is from me; and that more of her lips than in her heart."
  13. Not that that promises him much of a life," she added, jutting a doubtful lip, "now he's getting over his saintliness.

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