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Перевод: savage speek savage

дикий; первобытный; свирепый; жестокий; беспощадный; взбешенный; разъяренный; звериный;
дикарь ; невоспитанный человек; жестокий человек; грубиян ; грубый человек;
топтать; кусать; жестоко обходиться; резко критиковать; резко разносить


  1. But the final juxtaposition, and the final breakthrough to illumination and an absolute religious certainty, comes about through a direct confrontation between the savage and the city, which proved shocking to the original audiences and retains some of its power to shock today.
  2. The sharp combination of savage and city along with ritual and music-hall elements do much to make this the most powerful of Eliot's comedies.
  3. The Cocktail Party , whose first draft of three scenes was completed by June 1948, more than any other of Eliot's later plays unites the themes of savage and city.
  4. Oddly, though, his public school / Oxbridge language ('Bloody Italians') seemed unaffected by life in strange, savage worlds.
  5. Mr Reynolds, a dignified man who was Illinois's first black Rhodes scholar, wondered if Mr Savage would like to ban Jewish contributions to the United Negro Colleges Fund.
  6. The four-cylinder engine was more reliable in 1957, but BRM took a long time to realise that the P25's air strut suspension - carried over from the V16 - was the cause of its savage oversteer.
  7. The Rock transformed the motifs of city and savage found in Sweeney Agonistes , but they are preserved because essential to Eliot's thought.
  8. Eliot's vision of the urbane savage was very different from Arnold's, but gave him the same privileges as his Romantic predecessor.
  9. This conversation at the threatened end of a city and a civilization links its poet with the primitive, savage beginnings.
  10. Again, contra Lawrence, it is obvious that for Eliot the idea that modern western society should adopt savage customs is seen as ludicrous and reprehensible, since he believed that not even the lowest of civilized people could adapt themselves to such society without deteriorating and frequently also corrupting the natives.
  11. By reason of this terror the savage trembled before the magician who seemed to have penetrated the mysteries of nature about him.
  12. For Eliot in 1923 all primitive or savage art contained comic and tragic elements, comedy and tragedy being not just late but maybe also "impermanent intellectual abstractions".
  13. In a letter to Henry Savage on 2 December 1913 he writes: "I should like to know why nearly every man that approaches greatness tends to homosexuality, whether he admits it or not" ( Letters , 1 15).

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