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Перевод: scapegoat speek scapegoat

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  1. One of Scotland's smallest ever keepers, the diminutive Rangers and Third Lanark custodian Jocky Robertson, will go down in history as a scapegoat with a sore head.
  2. A Supreme Soviet of fine words and few deeds could quickly become just an irritant, a scapegoat for a "democratization" which does not put goods in the shops.
  3. Even granting the absurdity of Hitler's racialist theories, it would be possible to credit him with realistic goals (to exploit a political scapegoat, to depopulate Eastern Europe for resettlement) for which he could massacre Jews and Slavs in as full awareness as theirs when they flee or fight.
  4. Undoubtedly land-use practices influence flooding and erosion, but ignoring the impact of natural processes in the search for a human scapegoat is not going to pre-empt the potential land crisis of the Himalaya in the twenty-first century.
  5. Since last Sunday, Dr Woodward has been appointed to a further post: scapegoat.
  6. Cohen (1973) describes how, at specific times, certain public crimes generate "moral panics" directed at "folk devils" or scapegoat groups.
  7. You are so incredibly screwed up and lonely that you feel the need to scapegoat and stereotype your neighbours.
  8. When the mood is low, accusations are hurled in the search for a scapegoat for a problem that nobody can rationalise.
  9. The mantle of scapegoat was passed down through Scotland's goal keeping history from Martin to Haffey, to Kennedy to Rough and then to the most unlikely scapegoat, the Aberdeen and Manchester United goalkeeper Jim Leighton.
  10. The trials of Bulgaria's former dictator or a handful of Ceausescu's secret police serve to scapegoat a few of the ringleaders and put the issue to rest.
  11. Furthermore, while "logically" it might appear that at least from summer 1941 only Hitler could be blamed for the extension and prolongation of the war, a sufficient platform had been constructed by years of propaganda and ideological indoctrination to buttress the transfer of the blame to Germany's external enemies - the Bolsheviks, the Jews, the British, the Americans - or to internal incompetence, naturally stopping short of the Fhrer, as when Field Marshal von Brauchitsch was made the scapegoat for mistakes in strategy and provisioning on the eastern Front in the winter of 1941-;2.
  12. Now, the beauty of this sort of explanation, where you have everybody on your side, when you are dealing with somebody who is unpopular, when you are all desperately anxious to find a scapegoat, is that your argument is unlikely to be at all jealously scrutinised.
  13. THERE is nothing more tempting than a rich, powerful scapegoat.

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