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Перевод: semiskilled speek semiskilled

малоопытный; недостаточно квалифицированный; полуквалифицированный


  1. The counteroffensive launched by the industrial bourgeoisie with the aid of the state, however, exposed the fragility of the position of semiskilled workers; despite their strategic position in the production process, without support of skilled sections they could not halt production.
  2. Levels of skilled and semiskilled labour were relatively low; together they exceeded those in retail and clerical occupations, but not by much.
  3. It was an industrial structure weighted heavily toward the use of semiskilled and unskilled labour.
  4. The following categorical variables were used: father's unemployment (yes, no, or not known); father's social class (non-manual, skilled manual, semiskilled and unskilled manual, and not known); one parent in the household (no, yes, not known); mother's age at child's birth (20, 20-;23, 24-;27, 28-;31, 32, and not known); mother's education (primary education, secondary education, further education, and university education); number of children (one, two, three, four, five or more, and not known); maternal smoking in pregnancy (no, yes, not known); total number cigarettes smoked at home at the time of the survey (0, 1-;4, 5-;14, 15-;24, 25 or more, and not known); free school meals (free, not free, not taken, not known if free, and not known); overcrowding (1.25 people per room, people per room, not known); maternal and paternal asthma (no, yes, not known); and study areas (27 areas for the respiratory illness analyses and 17 for the lung function analyses).
  5. Premium 3: 2,900 for trainees classified as "semiskilled".
  6. This opposition was initiated and had its structural base in the industrial sphere, more specifically, in the gas industry where a growing number of semiskilled workers suffered from intensification of work during the 1880s.
  7. Founded in 1860 by a group of railwaymen at the Eastern Counties Railway works at Stratford, it had progressed steadily, in part through amalgamation with smaller societies at Canning Town in 1882, Plaistow in 1883 and Beckton in 1892, all of which centred on colonies of skilled and semiskilled labour (Marriott 1984).
  8. Third, the polarisation between information workers and the rest could take particularly sharp form in the welfare services which employ large numbers of semiskilled workers as carers and in the ancillary services.
  9. Home and childrearing commitments dictate the terms and conditions on which women can work so that overwhelmingly at present they are forced into the third leaf of the shamrock as low-paid semiskilled part-timers.
  10. Incidence of lawyer use drops off dramatically for those over 45, for those renting their homes, and is markedly less for those from the skilled manual and own-account and semiskilled or unskilled manual socio-economic groups.
  11. Numbers of semiskilled and skilled workers were also high, especially around the Stratford locomotive works, Thames Ironworks and chemical factories in the south.
  12. One of these units (Y Products) employs 2,800 people, has annual sales of 250 million, and is engaged in the manufacture and sale of engineering products, with traditional semiskilled shop-floor production at Layer 1.
  13. Unskilled labour averaged forty-six hours per week, semiskilled and skilled forty-seven.

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