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Перевод: shining

блестящий; сияющий; яркий; выдающийся; великолепный;


  1. Now Midnight lived a life of luxury, hock-deep in expensive straw, shining and hard and ready to go.
  2. He already knew most of the city's different districts and its short cuts, its sudden changes of place and people; it was just that now he would see the shop windows shining at night instead of by day, see them gliding past from a car or taxi window as he was driven home for the night.
  3. You can see over Epping Forest to High Beach church, over Shooter's Hill to the South Downs, and on a clear day, down the shining ribbon of the Thames you can see St Paul's cathedral.
  4. Luke and Sonny had taken off their jackets and high hard collars and now sat with their shirt sleeves rolled up, the noon sun shining through the windows warming their backs.
  5. Very romantic, with shrubby entanglements of magnolia, maple and cornus on either side of the shining River Vartry, and an apple orchard bearded with mistletoe.
  6. Shining infrared radiation on the crystal is one.
  7. If it were, the day would come when the man behind the shining table lamp would toss a fountain pen in my direction and tell me to sign a piece of paper, and I would say, what the hell, why not?
  8. I remembered my own boyhood watching cavalrymen sticking tent pegs at the gymkhanas, and tried knights on shining white chargers, complete with shining white bascinets , breastplates, leg armour and gauntlets doing the same thing to my inside, but they never really filled the role.
  9. He describes his other grandmother as "a wee frail woman" in a mob cap, smoking a long clay pipe and "stroking my hair as I lay down at her feet with my head in her lap", while her railwayman husband also "had a great liking for me, and when he could spring to a halfpenny or an apple or some nuts for "whiteheaded Benny", he did it, Once he gave me a shining white metal watchguard", a symbol of work efficiency which he wore proudly to school, "swanking" with it hung across my chest."
  10. The keeper leapt to his feet as Joicey flew at him, slashing with the shining sword.
  11. In the morning the sun was shining and I felt better.
  12. Leila's face; shining.
  13. The Sendero Block (named for the Sendero Luminoso - Shining Path - guerrillas it houses) is run by the prisoners themselves.

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