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Перевод: shipload speek shipload

судовой груз ; грузовместимость


  1. A shipload of food and medical aid from Italy reached Albania on March 19, one day after the Albanian government had placed all food distribution in the country under police control in an attempt to counteract speculation.
  2. Somes joined the latter company when it was refounded in 1838, sold to it its first ship, Tory (sent to New Zealand in 1839 with a shipload of settlers without government permission), and became governor of the company in 1840.
  3. A shipload of India's textiles in the next two months would encourage the villager and ensure 1,000,000 tons of rice from Burma's surplus for India next Christmas.
  4. "Each shipload of stolen people is brought to the merchant's yard.
  5. The largest single shipload so far discovered were the 524 Chinese passengers on the East Wood which had to call for help when it broke down near the Marshall Islands earlier this year.
  6. Methinks that the Dolls weren't the "damp-squib" that Nick Kent would have led us to believe, because if you look closely at the increasing number of British "punk" bands emerging by the shipload, you will see in each one, a little bit of the Dolls.
  7. "You feel, perhaps, that it would be a marvellous thing to go to the Counterweight Continent and bring back a shipload of gold?"
  8. It stated that British university teams, currently working there are "a far cry, mercifully, form the days when English (and Scottish) milords sent Greece's antiquities home by the shipload".

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