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Перевод: shove speek shove

толкание; толчок ; костра ;
толкать; пихать; распихивать; ткнуть; толкаться; пихаться; совать; засовывать; спихнуть; всучить; сунуть


  1. He could see Tom Fish standing like a huge black silhouette in the doorway, and he was tempted to rush forward and shove him head-first into the cellar below.
  2. But when push came to shove, we blase Western correspondents told each other, the government and the party would get their way.
  3. Shove my dreams and my Walkman back into the bag, and get off the train.
  4. I found myself aground in the middle of the loch, firmly wedged on one such stump, and the only way out of the problem was to leap overboard and shove.
  5. DATE: Tuesday 24 September TIME: 0035 SCREENING: TAKE THIS JOB AND SHOVE IT (1973)
  6. When push comes to shove, they're not daft.
  7. Mr Shove was entitled under his contract to the benefit of a Daimler throughout his notice period and that is what he was compensated for.
  8. And then a smart shove in the small of the back.
  9. An' here we shove 'em in cages an' chuck crisps at 'em."
  10. Dodging a motorized patrol sent out to cut them off, they made the crossing point and, as dawn broke, managed to shove and coax the truck up the steep track.
  11. Mr Shove joined the company in 1937 and eventually became chairman and managing director.
  12. You won't keep many friends, you know, if you shove your Cambridge education down their throats."
  13. "What excuse," he asked Mrs Thatcher, "have you got for giving instructions that in the middle of the night, armed riot police raid children, women and men, shove them into caged lorries and forcibly deport them to the country from which they fled?"

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