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Перевод: Sisyphean speek Sisyphean



  1. Such patterns may be the result of Sisyphean fitness and not represent irreversible tendencies to speciation, i.e. the formation of "populations" of plant genotypes, representing the best available to arrive at a particular point under the prevailing biotic and physical features at any one particular time.
  2. Dr Ottokar Proctor, head of the presidential think-tank, and widely believed to be the architect of the Big Bonus, was unavailable for comment, although he is scheduled to make an appearance at a film festival in Tampa, Florida, where he will give a lecture on the Sisyphean influence of Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner on contemporary American culture.
  3. Thus the endeavour to replace as much as possible of institutional with community care is a Sisyphean labour, which encounters the maximum obstacles, financial and organisational, quite apart from the fact that the responsibility for developing community care is fragmented and isolated through residing, in large part, with local health authorities and thus falling within a different system of finance and budgeting.
  4. Establishing an overt research role was therefore always going to be a task of sisyphean labour, but the sensitivity of the topic and location made it more difficult than is usual in ethnographic research.

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