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Перевод: sidetrack speek sidetrack

запасной путь; ветка ;
переводить на запасный путь; уводить в сторону; отвлекать от цели; откладывать рассмотрение


  1. Anti-British hysteria has always been a politically convenient sidetrack for European politicians.
  2. The groundwork was concerned with the acquirement of self-control facilitated by the recognition of the emotional drives and mental preoccupations that would sidetrack the seeker after the love of God and impede his progress.
  3. A sidetrack well encountered an oil column of 132ft measured depth (md) in the Brent formation.The well was completed and tested from the Sedco 700 and is now tied back to the Thistle platform.
  4. "Don't try and sidetrack me"
  5. A long term test of the Tempa Rossa 2 well has been successfully completed and good production rates were achieved from a sidetrack to the original discovery well.
  6. Do not sidetrack into dwelling on what is wrong with it.
  7. This is a this is a sidetrack.
  8. Pedasus will get warning of impending disaster through the priestess of Athene growing a long beard, I'll read to him to make him laugh and he will, and talk with his sidetrack mind. (14)
  9. He'd tried to hurry Eloise away, to sidetrack the woman standing in their path.

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