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Перевод: sincerity speek sincerity

искренность ; честность


  1. As The Thompson Twins solidified their position as "The band Simon Bates likes to name drop most often", as Bronski Beat (despite their obvious sincerity) continually resembled a whistling kettle, and as Depeche Mode turned sado/masochism into such a lightweight subject that it wouldn't cause offence if your four year old daughter played "Master and Servant", The Smiths were to be heard crooning the very odd "William, It Was Really Nothing": "And everybody's got to live their life and God knows I've got to live mine".
  2. To be named in Red Channels was to be unemployable unless you cleared yourself by making a voluntary appearance before the House Committee or McCarthy's Sub-Committee as a "friendly witness" who shopped his former friends to prove the "sincerity" of his repentance.
  3. I wonder how many times I was taken in by his Yankee sincerity, his B-movie honesty.
  4. As you listen to Dr Carrington's wife and doctors, you may be struck as I was by their candour and sincerity.
  5. Sincerity is a form of toughness.
  6. There is a tedious pounding at the heart of this music, a sincerity that allows for only one angle of delivery, a passion that has created a pop atmosphere in which it's impossible to be clever, cool or cynical, a soul whose impulse is NOT to embrace the avant-garde, like Faustus, and be cut into a thousand pieces by a sampling machine.
  7. Of the six hundred or so communicants, Baxter said he had good hopes for the sincerity of the faith of all but twelve of them.
  8. Muriel Box claimed for the film that the issues it covered were "treated seriously and with sincerity."
  9. Jane was not without either self-respect or sincerity.
  10. Not that the other parties aren't full of the sweetest intentions - Mr Major's determination to preserve the right of women to earn 2 an hour cannot be doubted, nor can the sincerity of Mr Ashdown's belief that women's concerns should permeate every government department.
  11. One of her sententious entries reads: "Tactlessness is often taken for sincerity, and sincerity is in turn often taken for a compliment.
  12. In 1921, Siqueiros had urged artists to "avoid those lamentable archaeological reconstructions" ("Indianism", "Primitivism", "Americanism') but he had also warned against the use of "archaic motifs" from the old masters of European art "which for us would be exotic"; instead his advice was to study the arts of both, learning from the "constructive base", the "great sincerity", of the latter, and the "synthetic energy" of the former, to combine the "lost values" of the past with new values to produce an art appropriate to modern America.
  13. "His passionate and austere sincerity acted like a torch."

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