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Перевод: sinewy speek sinewy

жилистый; жесткий; мускулистый; яркий; выразительный


  1. Lower thigh long, powerful, sinewy, broadly muscled, leading to a powerful hock, well angulated, not steep.
  2. I well remember attending an ecumenical garden party, minding my own business and trying to juggle a cup of weak tea and a sinewy rock cake.
  3. The ageing Rodin hacked with a scalpel at the sensitive, sinewy perfection of his clay figures.
  4. It makes sense that the ineffable languor of Prince is infinitely more fruitious than a thousand sinewy Age of Chance slogans.
  5. After a while she soothed herself with her favourite fantasy; by a succession of miracles she grew divinely tall, with long, sinewy, racehorse kind of legs and a small straight nose of classic proportions.
  6. Angela hung on to it fiercely, but the alsatian was too strong and sinewy for her.
  7. Time had left few furrows on that bull strong face, sunburnt like his sinewy neck.
  8. His brain-power is at best no more than average, and that is why his speeches, so rich in adjectives, are so poor in sinewy argument.
  9. The consensus was that the palm should go to Darrick Doerner, a sinewy, red-haired Waimea lifeguard.
  10. G.K. Chesterton on the artifice of the simple life is enough to turn a Green purple, Orwell on Gandhi is subtle and sinewy and James Baldwin on being the first black man in a Swiss valley is dignified and sad.
  11. I come to a bend where the outside is undercut and deep and the bank is riddled with a conglomeration of sinewy roots from a huge old tree that leans threateningly over the water, its leafless branches almost touching the smooth surface.
  12. The beauty of these is (a) they require very little labour from the person indulging in them: you leave that kind of thing to the toiling masseuse or sinewy aromatherapist (b) they're prettily packaged and attractive to use (c) they often involve other people who can supply your spiritual needs by becoming a confessor to you while you're on the slab/under the thumb/ getting oiled.
  13. He was good at climbing; it was a sport in which his small, sinewy build was on his side.

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