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Перевод: smoothing



  1. The worksheet for repeated median smoothing is shown in figure 9.9; column 3 is headed "3R", a shorthand to denote repeated medians of three.
  2. His Mum came and sat down beside him again, smoothing his anorak.
  3. Nathan's hands were smoothing Ari' s hair.
  4. Jack looked troubled, smoothing his lately shaven cheek.
  5. Michael McLaughlin's block plane (middle left) and A. Wright's smoothing plane (near left).
  6. Instead she lifted her hair with both hands, smoothing it up from the nape of her neck and piling it on top of her head in a soft copper mound.
  7. Her face became as bright as an icon as if she had momentarily glimpsed the old customs of Irkutsk: a bridal party bearing skates of bone and bodices of the finest needle-point standing on the southern shore and looking across Baikal; a sallow-faced groom from Chita smoothing his first moustache and pacing the deck of an ice-locked paddle-steamer.
  8. "Mmmm" nodded the Duke, licking his fingers and smoothing down his eyebrows," not ready for it.
  9. This was a real lady The girls were suddenly self-conscious, smoothing down their tattered skirts and tucking their dirty feet out of sight.
  10. Ludens, hot and flushed, sat down, smoothing his hair and running his fingers over his face as if to put it too in order.
  11. In this role you are smoothing ruffled feathers, drawing forth other people's skills and creative abilities and, at its most basic, helping people to enjoy themselves.
  12. I put the brush on the side and carry on smoothing her hair with just my hands.
  13. But Madame Zborowska, who seems to have spent most of her time smoothing out the quarrels between the artists, asserted that Modigliani also worked "passionately".

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