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Перевод: snapshot speek snapshot

снимок ; фотография ; выстрел ; выстрел навскидку; фотокарточка ;
делать снимок; фотографировать


  1. These views were often repetitive and mostly of a "snapshot" simplicity.
  2. A recent Spectator piece by John Simpson provided a snapshot of the Brute at Tory HQ on election night: "Anderson was heard to describe how the BBC would now be dismembered - as though he were a 17thcentury judge sentencing a regicide."
  3. If we take a quick snapshot look at each of the main groups (phyla) we find in the aquarium, there are commonly representatives of the Coelenterates , principally corals, anemones and sea fans; Crustacea in the form of crabs and shrimps; starfish, sea cucumbers and sea urchins represented Echinodermata and various Molluscs such as cowries, sea slugs and clams.
  4. The school is a snapshot of the American West, the great swath of the Plains between the Missouri River and the Rockies that makes up one fifth of continental America but which in the last generation has become known as the Empty Quarter, or the Dying Heart of the US.
  5. Oh yes, very tasteful, sir, a very speaking likeness I'm sure, and such tactility in the brushwork, but what we really wanted was a while-you-wait snapshot, a quid the strip of four down the machine.
  6. Nor can they help forming snapshot impressions of their colleagues in action - the way they speak to pupils, the degree of calmness or rowdiness they seem to achieve in their lessons and the way they write about their pupils' work in formal reports.
  7. It's cheap, cheerful and trashy but on another level it's a well focused snapshot of the time of social change, emancipation and free love.
  8. A key or a lifeless deed or a cheap Roberts reproduction, perhaps a family snapshot or a tourist postcard of the 1930s, is the nearest that many Palestinian exiles can move in spirit towards the place they regard as their homeland.
  9. A snapshot panorama will constantly, sometimes strikingly, be overtaken by unforeseen events.It is a graphic hypothesis, expecting to be tested by succeeding stages of effort.
  10. Limited specifications in automatic exposure and focusing will disappoint photography buffs, though few would detect tangible differences in the average snapshot.
  11. As a unique event, Karen could file it away in her snapshot album as one of the interesting things that had happened during her holiday in France.
  12. Unlike many conference proceedings, which present a mere snapshot of the contributions made, this material has been selected, expanded and rounded to form a whole, and then presented in a uniform format.
  13. To my unadapted eyes the scene looked as bleached-out as an over-exposed snapshot.

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