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Перевод: sniff speek sniff

сопение; втягивание носом; шмыганье носом; фырканье; хмыканье; вдох ;
сопеть; шмыгать носом; втягивать носом; фыркать; презрительно фыркать; нюхать; вдыхать; чуять


  1. The reasons young people sniff glue vary with each individual.
  2. Dozy sales teams can also be motivated by the sniff of citrus without even knowing it, he claims.
  3. And Sonya's We are one, we live as one," while it remains authorially bold, has nothing to fear at the hands of readers quick to sniff out dogma.
  4. Coventry hotshot Mick Quinn arrived on a streak of 10 goals from six games but never got a sniff of the target.
  5. But even allowing for that trait of nature, the number of occasions on which both Conservatives and Labour politicians have told me they are doing better than the polls say is now large enough to make me sniff the air suspiciously.
  6. Stamford have given me a list of local McCloys and there again not a sniff as far as they know.
  7. There was a sensuousness about it that filled him with a desire to run shouting across it, to roll in it, to bury his face in it and sniff life out of its roots, to draw up his childhood from the green stems, to lie supine and shade his eyes from the sun and dream himself back into nature.
  8. Her tears were easing and she gave a long gurgling sniff, reaching, it seemed, deep into her empty body.
  9. "Why does he sniff?" he asked, as Sammy crawled under the blanket to get to his legs.
  10. It isn't an offence in itself to sniff glue, but the effect on young people can result in possible conviction for public order offences such as threatening behaviour or breach of the peace.
  11. Give the wine a short, sharp sniff: it should be clean.
  12. some solvent misusers sniff on their own in isolated places.
  13. "He gets us into this mess, then legs it at the first sniff of trouble!"

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