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Перевод: soccer speek soccer



  1. Soccer: Smith knows the score
  2. "Very tiring watching soccer," Hoomey agreed.
  3. Soccer: Relieved Luton reveal their fighting spirit SOCCER
  4. Soccer: Merger talks are on again
  5. In terms of mass appeal rugby comes fourth after Gaelic football, hurling and soccer.
  6. THIS ANTHOLOGY of soccer writing - or, in some cases, writing which incorporates soccer - is rather like those games in which one side is a Rest of the World XI or a Football League XI.
  7. Teachers gave up their time, unpaid; prime acres of sports fields stood underused and education authorities did not bother to count the cost of bussing children half-way across a city for an afternoon's soccer.
  8. If the softly spoken Welshman is making history as the first rugby man to conquer soccer, he will not be the last.
  9. Soccer.
  10. One song reveals the damaging influence on their minds of their sojourn in London: "Soccer Fan" is a peon of praise to Everton's midfield cruncher, Norman Whiteside. l CURIOSITY KILLED THE CAT Get Ahead (Mercury) You can tell that Curiosity Killed The Cat haven't been around for some time.
  11. Soccer: Tottenham ease relegation fears
  12. Soccer
  13. Soccer: Wolves steal late winner

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