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Перевод: spearmint speek spearmint

мята [бот.] ; мята колосистая [бот.]; мята колосовая [бот.]


  1. Juliet found herself squeezed next to Dr Kent, and was acutely aware of the pressure of his body, and his faint aroma of spearmint and Savlon.
  2. The common mint of gardens is spearmint (M.spicala) , with its pointed hairless leaves.
  3. Naturally, television exposure was the overwhelming consideration for Cornhill and this was presumably also true for other sponsors, which included Schweppes, United Friendly Assurance, Commercial Union Assurance, the Prudential, Gordon's gin, Haig's whisky, Whitbread's beer, Younger's beer, Wrigley's spearmint among others.
  4. yeah Wrigley's spearmint gum, yeah, strange int it?
  5. The colour range has been updated for the autumn to include some new shades - Raspberry Truffles (5614), Spearmint (5615), Gob Stopper (5613), Purple Hearts (5616), Lemon Bon Bons (5612), Cherry Lips (5611) and Limes (5610).
  6. Its pungent and spicy flavour is unmistakable, and the oil obtained from the plant is that used in the manufacture of spearmint chewing-gum.
  7. Quite a number of things could be bought for a halfpenny - Barretts Sherbet Fountains with liquorice straws, Sherbet Dabs with their lump of toffee on a stick, Liquorice Ropes, Humbugs, Spearmint Lumps, Aniseed Balls were 20 for a penny.
  8. I felt her spearmint breath on my cheek.
  9. cos they're only er two pounds or something or other for forty eight, Wrigley Spearmint Gum about one pound fifty oh, what's happened to his voice?

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