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Перевод: splinter speek splinter

осколок ; обломок ; щепка ; лучина ; заноза ;
расщеплять; раскалывать; расщепить; расщепляться; раскалываться; разбиваться; дробиться


  1. Thereafter, the party began to splinter and decline.
  2. supplied with a splinter of wood, the phosphorus-box was a forerunner of the lucifer match of 1827 in which the phosphorus was attached to the end of the stick.
  3. But the other merely advanced, and when he came up, put out a hand to touch the lady, whereupon our hero struck with all his might at his heart, and the glass splinter entered deeply and he fell to the ground.
  4. The black artist appeared on the threshold, wrapped in a swirling black cloak, smiling most ferociously, and the little tailor quaked and held up his splinter, thinking his foe would be bound to meet it magically, or freeze his hand in motion as he struck.
  5. Clare Evans, 18, of Barry, South Wales, told the jury that Mr Browning took a splinter out of her hand with a butterfly knife on 16 June last year, two days before he is alleged to have killed Mrs Wilks.
  6. Irina's intense slightly squinting gaze, the way her eyes seemed to splinter sometimes and crackle with light, her cat-like face, the dark down upon her upper lip, the way she wrung her hands, all blended now into a single presence.
  7. Their existence, like that of other nationalist splinter groups, was vital to the continuance of a Labour government, and private negotiations with them (amongst whom was now numbered Enoch Powell) ensured that their numbers in the new House of Commons would be raised from 12 to 18.
  8. In sitting down on an antique bench in the locker-room, the Welsh teenager had been lanced by a wooden splinter.
  9. Dowling himself was an irregular, a member of the Old Catholic Church, a splinter group that did not recognize the supremacy of Rome; he was drawn into the cause as a result of saying house Masses for expatriate Nicaraguans in San Francisco.
  10. As if dealing with a stubborn splinter fixed firmly and painfully down behind a fingernail, Zambia patiently nudged and pushed and, eventually, the agonising sliver was expelled.
  11. He had a splinter in his nail that had become inflamed."
  12. Copious catarrhs of the throat and pharynx; splinter pains; extremely sensitive to touch; pain on swallowing.
  13. Steiner now contends that two historical moments, the one epitomized in Mallarm's "disjunction of language from external reference", and the other in Rimbaud's "deconstruction of the self" - je est un autre (I is (an) other) - splinter the foundations of the Western tradition and precipitate it into the crisis of modernity.

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