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Перевод: sport speek sport

спорт ; повеса ; славный малый; спортивные игры; спортивные соревнования; охота ; рыбная ловля; забава ; развлечение; шутка ; бездельник ; мутация ;
выставлять напоказ; носить напоказ; щеголять; резвиться; веселиться; развлекаться; шутить; играть; заниматься спортом; давать мутацию


  1. Local Tories plan to lobby Colin Moynihan, the Minister for Sport, at this week's Conservative Party conference to allege that the course in being mismanaged by the local Labour council.
  2. Sport Page 39
  3. Weekend Sport by Howard Donaldson: ATTITUDE: mental view or disposition, esp.
  4. That field is sport, where the East Germans think of themselves as a "world power", second only to the Soviet Union and the US.
  5. Sport in Short: Tennis
  6. Mr Roberto Dal Cortivo, the Cagliari official responsible for sport, sounded optimistic.
  7. Sport in Short: Ice Hockey
  8. This was a novel step and came from the advice of the Wolfenden Committee which reported in 1960 on "Sport and the Community".
  9. Amidst such massive coverage there has been little television interest in what ordinary people get out of sport.
  10. Catamaran sailing is an exciting and fast growing side of the sport.
  11. The People , which boasted "four pages of sport", sold 600,000 copies in 1924 and 4,600 "000 in 1946.
  12. Sport Page 28
  13. There's enough sport for all of us."

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