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Перевод: subscriber

жертвователь ; подписчик ; абонент


  1. To watch a firm, the subscriber would issue a set of instructions that loads the relevant disc onto the player.
  2. Where the publications are a supply for acquisition, the recipient subscriber will account for VAT in its member state although such publications are zero-rated in the UK, in other member states they are taxed at a reduced rate, and in Denmark they are taxed at 25%!
  3. At this period in his life, Auden was still a subscriber to the bundle of ideologies - leftist in politics, atheist in religion, Freudian in psychology - which went with being a 1930s intellectual.
  4. A self-proclaimed subscriber to the Bohemian way of life.
  5. Minitel - a computer database that can be rented by any telephone subscriber through France's telecommunications agency, ACT - offers thousands of vacancies, and you can advertise yourself.
  6. In return for an extra payment, a subscriber will call up feature films, audio entertainment or computer software.
  7. The name of Granville Penn first appears in the Odiham Society minutes of 5 August 1789, as a subscriber to this farriery fund.
  8. In that year the electricity bill for one of the winter quarters was just over 25 but before today's Society Stewards become too wistful they should also reflect on the fact that the average Sunday offering then through the envelope system was below 17, or about 7p for each subscriber.
  9. I am a recent subscriber, having recently renewed my subscription for a second year and I have enjoyed every issue that has come to me in the post.
  10. "Not really, because we wrote the songs before Phil left and it isn't our new drummer on the album, apart from one track; it's a mystery subscriber on the other tracks."
  11. But it said that Germany's cellular subscriber base could soar to three million by the year 2000, compared with 150,000 today.
  12. If you have, for example, never been a telephone subscriber before (that is, even if you have had communal use of a telephone but it was not in your name) you will have to pay a new subscriber charge plus a connection charge.
  13. While it brings a warm glow of a job well done (and, perhaps, the thought that a happy subscriber is more likely to keep on subscribing) answering such queries personally does leave a nagging worry.

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