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Перевод: subsidence speek subsidence

падение уровня; понижение; спад ; убыль


  1. The first effects of lateral heat flow are seen as a "hiccup" in basin development denoted by the Symon Unconformity within the Westphalian C, approximately 18 my after the onset of thermal subsidence.
  2. (Several alternatives were subject to possible subsidence due to previous iron-ore mining.)
  3. Rank maxima in the Gifhorn trough at the upper reaches of the River Weser (south of Hameln) are caused by deep subsidence, especially in Jurassic times, and probably also by geothermal maxima.
  4. These are related to any one or a combination of eustatic changes in sea level, local changes in sediment input, and changes in basin subsidence.
  5. Andrew Cunningham, who had been fortunate in having been one of the men brought up to the surface to erect a fence round the subsidence, volunteered to go back down into the unknown to search for his missing colleagues.
  6. Fig. 7), mainly due to deep subsidence in Jurassic times.
  7. This study indicates that the natural gas deposits of the Federal Republic of Germany accumulated in relatively recent geological times, i.e. during the late Mesozoic and/or the Cainozoic, either as a result of an additional subsidence and consequently additional heating of the Upper Carboniferous, or of telemagmatic heating effects.
  8. At the inquiry they had stated that, if the Secretary of State decided the house should be preserved, they would pay not only for past subsidence damage but also for preventative works, in the form of a raft underneath the building, which could be jacked up to correct the effect of any subsidence.
  9. Having been a College of Further Education for years, subsidence below the main tower has caused the building to be closed for reasons of safety.
  10. Meanwhile, four weeks after the St Leger was abandoned because of subsidence of the track, the future of Doncaster racecourse is under debate.
  11. Meanwhile, more insurers are increasing the 500 excess to 1,000, 2,000 plus, which policyholders must pay on any subsidence claim.
  12. Any hollows or unevenness indicate either that they have been badly laid or have been affected by subsidence.
  13. Chiefly she felt that, as in a sudden slip or subsidence, she had become a different person: a worse person, a desperate person, but powerful and free.

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