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Перевод: summertime speek summertime

летнее время; лето; летний сезон


  1. In the summertime, on bright warm days when the sun was high in the sky, Endill would help her weed and tend the vegetables.
  2. He played sweet hillbilly guitar and sang lilting modern Irish ballads such as "Summertime in Ireland" and "At Home in Old Kilcar".
  3. In the summertime, we had a bus come regularly and we used to take the residents out, just a few.
  4. SUMMERTIME Britain was given a FROST warning yesterday.
  5. Summertime is a good time to start training as the child wears fewer clothes and can go around outside without a nappy.
  6. Maltings summertime entertainment
  7. If the complete Porgy reveals anything, it is that Gershwin did not go straight from one hit to another (as we did here, from "Summertime" to "A Woman is a Sometime Thing").
  8. A xanthic mellifluous melody, pouring a pulsation of paradise on the palate transcending the swallows of summertime thirst (Rating 4.999).
  9. "No," I confessed, so we parted, and I wandered out into the night humming "Summertime in Ireland".
  10. I opted for bright summertime colours but for autumn you might have brown hedgehogs shuffling through leaves of russet and gold.
  12. It was a red machine that he had painted blue; and summertime mornings, early July, he would wheel on his quest.
  13. Literally tens of thousands of crocus and daffodil bulbs brighten the spring months throughout the city, while in the summertime over 1000 hanging baskets bring a splash of colour to the city centre streets.

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