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Перевод: tentacular speek tentacular

в форме щупальца; подобный щупальцу


  1. I suggested a little time ago that the surface indications offered both by Joyce's life and by his writing up to including The Portrait - he does leave Ireland to live with his Nora in Triest, in Switzerland, in France, in Switzerland again, until his death in nineteen forty one, visiting Dublin for the last time in nineteen hundred and twelve - he does give us in Dubliners and The Portrait a sharp sense of the traps he feels he must escape from, the church tentacular, pervasive, the seedy provincialism, the narrowness, the philistine complacency.
  2. The elaborately multi-layered Neverland set of Spielberg's Hook , with its lagoon and its jungle and its tree-house and its pirates' galleon, does not really work on the screen: it's much too claustrophobic, too tentacular, too "busy".
  3. Otherwise, the sitter's ankles and wrists are immediately grasped and held firm by tentacular protrusions which shoot from the mouths of certain Chaos faces in the wood.

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