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Перевод: ulceration speek ulceration

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  1. A third of all prescriptions for cimetidine were given to patients with unproven peptic ulceration, and furthermore, half of these had used the drug for more than five years.
  2. Two hypotheses have been suggested to account for this: there is a high incidence of subclinical deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in pregnancy and leg ulceration increases with age.
  3. These include alterations of a chronic nature such as chronic inflammation, villous atrophy, and crypt hyperplasia, while more acute changes such as a neutrophil infiltrate and ulceration are less common and, when severe, equate with the clinical condition of pouchitis.
  4. Ulceration associated with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or steroids was excluded from the study, as were patients with a high alcohol intake (40 U/ week), or a history of surgery or drug use which might interfere with gastric secretion or motility.
  5. Flexible sigmoidoscopy showed occasional ulceration in the left colon in four of five patients examined during prednisolone therapy and normal mucosa in all patients with Crohn's disease examined in remission.
  6. The normally immaculate room was a dirty mess, and pus was oozing through a leg ulceration into a bandage that looked several days old.
  7. Elderly women are more likely to be affected with leg ulcers, especially if they are moderately disabled, have suffered from ulceration in the past, and lead restricted social lives.
  8. The condition he is suffering from, peptic ulceration, is associated with poor eating habits, particularly irregular meals.
  9. Several nurses believed their patients' psychosocial state had a direct bearing on a leg ulcer's progress, reporting extensive ulceration in patients who were " agoraphobic ", of "low intelligence", "neglected by their families", "living in poor housing", "poor hygiene", "confused", and "depressed".
  10. A history of previous leg ulceration, varicose veins, DVT, major surgery, past leg injury and pregnancy were given as predictive of venous disorders; rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, intermittent claudication and smoking as predictive of arterial disease.
  11. Planned appropriate treatment is implemented for clients with active ulceration followed by evaluation of care.
  12. Sore throats with aphthous ulceration.
  13. Some of the manifestations of septic shock, such as hypotension, haemoconcentration, and gastrointestinal ulceration were reported to be mimicked after intravenous administration of platelet activating factor in rats suggesting that it plays a role in this syndrome.

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