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Перевод: unaccented



  1. Medial consonant clusters between accented vowels and unaccented vowels in disyllabic words - for example, can the child pronounce the "ng" in "finger"?
  2. His Maa is, as far as I can tell, fluent and unaccented.
  3. anapaest (US anapest) In prosody, a foot consisting of two unaccented syllables followed by one accented syllable: I am mon/arch of all/I sur'vey.
  4. Medial consonants between accented vowel and unaccented vowel in disyllabic words - for example, can the child pronounce the "r" in "garage"?
  5. In prosody, it is one accented syllable with one or more unaccented syllables attached to it.
  6. "Metrical movement determined by the various relations of long and short, or accented and unaccented beats", e.g. the choreographer's arrangement of steps and poses
  7. It was a flat, totally unaccented statement.

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