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Перевод: uncomfortably speek uncomfortably



  1. They moved their feet uncomfortably and avoided his eye, turning their caps in their hands.
  2. The surge of expansion and commitment to equality (in some of its many forms) which underlay this conviction sat uncomfortably with notions of selection at eleven-plus, but reinforced the rising demand for a huge expansion of higher education.
  3. Dark panelling; tall glass-fronted bookcases full of great leather-bound books; solid brown furniture; shabby plush chairs; shabbier plush curtains hanging at high sash windows, and several very new watercolours of sailing vessels in gilt frames which looked uncomfortably out of place on the sombre walls.
  4. The CBI survey revealed that the majority of distributors feel that their stock levels are at an uncomfortably high level.
  5. However, while effective in small beds, such polychromatic mixtures can be uncomfortably dazzling unless framed by an outline of a single cool colour.
  6. You may need a thin book under your head if it drops back uncomfortably.
  7. The reason why caterwauling is associated with rutting is because it is most common then, the scent of the female on heat attracting males from far and wide and bringing them uncomfortably close together, so that they feel unusually inclined to vent their feelings of hostility towards one another.
  8. Feeling rather uncomfortably damp and dirty, she set off again, turning off presently into a deep wood, through which a footpath led to the deer-park and then on to Granny Fordham's cottage.
  9. Even in summer, when the grounds and gardens were so warm that Frankie could lie stark naked in the long grass, the house was dark and uncomfortably cold, especially on the big stairs.
  10. Perched uncomfortably on the high stool, he pressed his ankles together to prevent any movement of his dangling legs.
  11. The Sandys reductions in Army manpower looked uncomfortably premature.
  12. "May we at least look?" said Roland, imagining perhaps a hidden drawer, and at the same time uncomfortably aware of the laundry lists in Northanger Abbey .

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