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Перевод: unconformity speek unconformity

несоответствие; несогласное напластование


  1. An angular unconformity recognised in the Upper Carboniferous on the flanks of the London-Brabant Massif was of particular interest in this respect.
  2. Whether or not hydrocarbon generation continued during the Mesozoic, losses from Palaeozoic reservoirs during this period could have been trapped at the post-Carboniferous unconformity, for example by the Lias shales in the Wealden area.
  3. Strong angularity is recognised at the base of the Cretaceous and northwards in the Hewett Sub-basin progressively thicker Palaeozoic and Triassic section is developed below this unconformity.
  4. The unconformity and depositional patterns within the Barren Measures are explained by the effect of lateral heat flow on normal basin development in the late Carboniferous.
  5. We correlate the seismically-identified intra-Westphalian unconformity with that locally observed and poorly documented onshore, and have therefore designated it the "Symon Unconformity".
  6. ABOVE Unconformity, Moughton Nab
  7. On seismic profiles the unconformity is characterised by gently on-lapping reflectors from above and a subcropping series of strong-amplitude discontinuous events.
  8. Westphalian A and B coals subcrop the Symon Unconformity, and together with the Millstone Grit, onlap the Carboniferous Limestone surface on the flanks of the London-Brabant Massif.
  9. The palynological analysis has not been able to identify the exact level of the unconformity but a thin sequence of coals believed to be above the unconformity generally demonstrate Westphalian C ages.
  10. A significant stratigraphic break is identified near the base of the Barren Measures in the late Carboniferous which has been designated the "Symon Unconformity".
  11. In the Oxfordshire Coalfield area Dunham and Poole (1974) have recognised an unconformity at the base of the Upper Coal Measures which they extrapolate into the Coventry area to the base of the Halesowen Group.
  12. Norber has achieved fame in geological circles by its display of erratic boulders, and Moughton, not to be outdone, exhibits examples, no less interesting, of unconformity in its rock structures.

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