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Перевод: underlying speek underlying

лежащий или расположенный под; лежащий в основе; основной


  1. And every one has the same, underlying cause.
  2. Income parity is an underlying aim.
  3. Much practical work in agriculture is of an empirical type and the "practical" farmer is often characterized by an empirical approach as contrasted with perhaps the more theoretically-based approach of his son who has attended agricultural college or university and who understands some of the theory underlying a more scientific approach to agriculture.
  4. Much archaeology involves looking for underlying patterns within a jumble of visual detail.
  5. When he said again and again no more of his wages would go to Ellen for his son's upkeep she concurred, did not challenge the underlying assumption that Oreste was no longer his responsibility.
  6. Having recognized that form is a reflection of the underlying energy pattern and that it interacts with it, it is possible for the best sites to be found.
  7. The underlying shifts which Hoggett identifies make it easier to view the local authority as a "manager" of service delivery rather than its actual administrator.
  8. Second, can we learn anything new about the nature of the underlying cognitive processes from studying these unfortunate individuals?
  9. The underlying point is that much more can and should be done than at present by librarians and information scientists to bring order and control to the myriad of business information sources that they are called upon to handle.
  10. The underlying distinction, however, seems particularly suggestive for thinking about television.
  11. Whenever Mackie wasn't actively helping Tremayne she stayed close also to Fiona, and although I tried I couldn't dislodge the underlying anxiety in their eyes.
  12. The main underlying issue is the relationship between areas with different levels and stages of development.
  13. If, as the psychodynamic school believes, obesity is fundamentally a psychological problem, it follows that treatment should ideally be aimed at the mind rather than at the body, and that treatment aimed at the body will leave the underlying psychological problem unaltered or even aggravated, similar objections were and still are levelled against behavioural treatments which allegedly deal only with "symptoms", leaving the underlying problem to spring up anew.

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