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Перевод: undermine speek undermine

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  1. His falsity and hollowness are not just the opposite of the true and the wholesome, but threaten to undermine it.
  2. But in the course of developing our case we have found no grounds upon which I could have validly chosen my present ends except that they are the ones to which I spontaneously tended when most aware; on what grounds then could I persist in preferring these ends to a further advance in awareness which would undermine them?
  3. Cable will undermine the BBC
  4. Out of control it threatens to undermine a game dependent on the good offices of onlookers.
  5. It goes without saying, of course, that neglecting a horse's physical needs will damage or undermine a horse's health, and consequently its well-being and how it feels in itself.
  6. One unremarked effect of the white Paper on cabling, which was published last week jointly by the Home Office and the Department of Industry, is to undermine the BBC's monopoly on a second broadcasting revolution set for later this decade - direct broadcasting from satellites (DBS).
  7. We shall argue later in the book that the information processing capability of new technology may undermine many of the reasons why large firms came into being.
  8. A subtle tract, the Shepherd of Hermas, early in the second century sought to undermine the rigorist position as inhuman, yet without surrendering the church's obligation to maintain moral standards among its members.
  9. Hawkes's polemical purpose becomes more and more apparent as the book develops: it is to undermine, not only established literary study, but liberal humanism itself.
  10. Would the DG's success be jeopardised if spokesmen for rival accountancy bodies attempted to undermine him?
  11. Sadly, a gradual decline towards terminal respectability began in early adulthood, when the self-indulgent habit of literary lunches began to undermine an otherwise sound constitution.
  12. In the first place, of course, the survival of autonomous and independently-minded political movements threatened his personal authority and could, in the long run, undermine his very position as Head of State.
  13. Business crimes undermine public faith in the business system because such crime is integrated with "the structure of legitimate business".

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