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Перевод: upbringing speek upbringing



  1. I think my dad had a few differences with them on the upbringing of his children."
  2. She will have responsibility for their upbringing, including a say in their future schooling and development.
  3. It's always angled towards the case for more funds to be allocated to reform schools set up for "the salvaging of these youngsters whose natural growth has been marred by bad upbringing, bad companions, bad luck."
  4. Above all she sought - and hoped - to prepare herself in every way for modern motherhood, free of the restrictions that had marked her own unhappy upbringing.
  5. Michael has always taken a very active part in the upbringing of the children.
  6. Living in a stately home is an art, acquired by upbringing.
  7. He told me he was also in revolt against his strict puritan upbringing, a fairly common case in the sons of God-fearing Americans.
  8. Much as his parents might have wanted Charles to have a normal upbringing, it was impossible.
  9. Do you start on A Question of Upbringing and throw it away after twelve pages ( my God this book's abysmally badly written and boring )?
  10. She traces her beliefs back to her upbringing in Grantham and to the personal experiences of the 1970s, rather than books.
  11. Katharine Hamnett's instinct for kicking against the Establishment comes partly out of the mind-set of her own particular generation, partly out of a reaction to an upper middle-class upbringing.
  12. To love myself appeared to go against all that old upbringing, all that old training.
  13. A Yorkshire pay clerk's widow was able to play a "big part" in her granddaughters' upbringing because she lived next door across a common yard and could be "always there", in and out of the house.

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