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Перевод: upgrade speek upgrade

на подъеме;
подъем ;
переводить на более высокооплачиваемую работу; повышать в должности; улучшать породу; обогащать


  1. It is said to be easy to upgrade and service because it's based on standard uniprocessor 50MHz 80486 EISA bus hardware.
  2. Novell says it anticipates the majority of NetWare 3.11 sites with 100 users or more will upgrade - a sizable chunk of its user-base.
  3. For lasting recovery, Britain needs a modern industrial policy designed to build skills, upgrade technology, encourage industry in every region and expand exports.
  4. A 90-day option to upgrade to three years for a total of 1,048 was also offered.
  5. Cable said yesterday the company would eventually upgrade and operate the long distance and international communications systems.
  6. The sponsorship money will be used to upgrade facilities at the Stoop Memorial Ground because, according to chairman Roger Looker, "We recognise we have a long way to go towards what we consider to be adequate facilities, particularly if we sustain our growth".
  7. Ring now for a copy of the new Mosquito Bikes 1990 catalogue showing our exciting range of quality accessories and clothing; with articles for the cyclist on touring, wheelbuilding, safety and how to upgrade your bike plus an interview with Thomas Eisl, our mountain bike racing star.
  8. For instance, we may need to upgrade our car because of a lot of travelling involved in our occupation or ministry, but does that justify the de luxe model?
  9. We've enclosed a special Executive Club Voucher - courtesy of Hertz - which will allow you a complimentary car upgrade.
  10. Can you easily and comparatively cheaply upgrade the system as your needs grow?
  11. We will establish a new cash-limited Skills for the 90s fund, with an initial budget of 300 million, to upgrade the training of those in work.
  12. It has plans to upgrade the entire service during the year.
  13. They decided to upgrade their horses by using foreign stallions, but as they were unable to buy Arabian stallions they decided to use English Thoroughbreds instead.

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