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Перевод: vulcanite

эбонит ; вулканическая резина


  1. By specifying one of Vulcanite's unique Solar Reflective roof finishes you can eradicate these problems at a stroke.
  3. A bituminous primer was applied to the existing asphalt covering, which was left in position to form a vapour check layer, before layering the insulation and then the finish was provided by a cap sheet of Vulcanite Tribond 350 elastomeric, white mineral.
  4. On reflection, by keeping more heat off the roof and in the building, good-looking Vulcanite S.R. Roofings offer you such significant economic, performance and aesthetic benefits, it's a wonder nobody thought of the idea before!
  5. As part of an extensive refurbishment of its Hughsfield Estate, the London Borough of Greenwich specified a Vulcanite built-up roofing system, incorporating CFC-free Vulcatherm insulation boards.
  6. The decline of the natural jet industry was hastened by the invention of an artificial substitute, ebonite or vulcanite, made by exposing india-rubber and sulphur to intense heat.
  7. Available in both torch-on and traditional pour and roll guises, Vulcanite S.R. Roofings have all the advantages and more of the usual methods of protecting exposed surfaces - shippings, paints and pavings for instance - without any of their inherent problems, such as blocked outlets, loss of reflectance, continual maintenance, increased weight and cost.
  8. The formula, exclusive to Vulcanite, involves the top side being finished with pre-oxidised, solar reflective aluminium chips.
  9. An opportunity to view provisions made for toothless conscripts - a hard rubber solution (vulcanite) was moulded to the gums and porcelain teeth attached.

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