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Перевод: whaling

громадный; необыкновенный;
порка ; китобойный промысел; охота на китов


  1. The man behind the video and the Japanese public relations offensive in New York was Alan Macnow, long-time lobbyist for the Japan Whaling Association, and a familiar figure at IWC meetings.
  2. Iceland says that when it resumes commercial whaling, as it intends to do, it will withdraw its objections to the cull grenade ban.
  3. But the Australian Government went further and instructed its delegation to the IWC to work for a permanent global ban - not a moratorium, a ban - and at the same time to press for humane measures while any whaling continued.
  4. Japan's reluctance to abandon whaling has deep cultural and religious roots.
  5. At the recent IWC annual meeting, Iceland and Brazil, both previously die-hard whaling nations, abstained from voting for a total ban on whaling, but did not vote for a continuance.
  6. The strongest ecological difference is that between those who can accept whaling in principle so long as it is properly regulated and those who do not accept whaling in principle at all.
  7. Whaling expedition.
  8. When Peru was actively whaling in the 1970s and early 1980s, catching Bryde's whales mainly for the Japanese market, unsuccessful attempts had been made to introduce whale meat to the Peruvian population.
  9. Efforts to control whaling between the wars was said to be for the purposes of resource conservation; that they were really concerned with managing the flow of whale oil through international markets.
  10. He took his fairly primitive, but hardly portable, cine-camera and got, I am told, unique film of the whaling operations.
  11. On the other hand, the question has come up, should we support benign scientific research if its purposes are to find information that will simply make the management of future whaling more efficient?
  12. Modern whaling was invented by Norwegians late in the nineteenth century.
  13. Incredibly, certain countries continue their whaling activities against the best scientific and conservationist advice.

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