y ya yb yc yd ye yi yl ym yo yr yt yu yw

Перевод: year speek year

год ; возраст ; годы


  1. The next five years will also see the implementation of tests for seven, 11 and 14 year olds; a shift towards "on the job" teacher training; and the transformation of some grant-maintained institutions into grammar schools.
  2. Relying on this and photocopies of the Viewdata artwork for Pannell Kerr Forster and KPMG Peat Marwick, he paid 500 plus VAT for a year's subscription.
  3. The numbers of blue-collar foreigners are estimated to have increased five-fold last year and Justice Ministry officials say, privately, that there are close to half a million "illegals" in a nation of 120 million people.
  4. And what is certain to provide fuel for a partisan battleground next year, if he wins, is the string of tax cut proposals on his agenda.
  5. An average of nearly 2 thousand such projects a year are helped by the central fund.
  6. After the gripping Corkhill saga, expect an appearance from The Farm in the New Year
  7. The slump in insurance rates in the shipping and aviation market has hit the financial results of Lloyd's underwriting group, A J Archer, for the second year running.
  8. Astonishingly he defended his policy of imposing sky high 36.3 per cent rates, saying it had cut unauthorised loans by almost a third in a year.
  9. Drake and Jewsbury have already tried out the copper-impregnated glass in Zambia, and plan to return there this year to carry out large-scale trials in village ponds and streams.
  10. Announcing a third year of increased profits, managing director Anthony Mackintosh tells me: "We plan to have a new front entrance, so in the evening it's not quite so like Twickenham."
  11. "It is a good year this year", said Mr J Spenceley, "one of the best".
  12. If we start the New Year in the same way as we finished it, I'll be well pleased.
  13. And no one can predict whether free elections next year would not - the apotheosis of the Thatcher doctrine - produce a huge nationalist vote for confederal re-unification in fifteen months, not fifteen years.

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